Catskill Productions 1991-Present
“Mother Hicks” by Suzan L. Zeder
“The Wise Men of Chelm” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Amber Waves” by James Still
“Winter in the Catskills and Other Delights” by various Catskill Mountain writers
“Remember my Name” by Joanna Halpert Kraus
“The Adventures of Halvor Askelad” by Tony Howarth
“The House of the Seven Gables” Bryan Williams/Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Once in the Time of Trolls” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Blueprints from Space” by Mark Leiren-Young
“Reading Louis” by Walt Vail
“Tales of Hill and Hollow” by various Catskill Mountain writers
“The Dunbar Murders” by Walt Vail
“Adam and Eve (somewhat later)” by Bill Green
“Pops” by Philip Potak
“I Will Sing Life” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Across the Plains” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Selkie” by Laurie Brooks Gollobin
“A Certain Raquel” by Nora Glickman
“The Bog Witch” by Anne McGravie
“The Wolf and Its Shadows” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“The Nightingale” by William “Electric” Black/Amie Brockway/Hans Christian Andersen
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare
“A Liar’s Stew” by Mark Rosenwinkel
“Pipe Dreams” by Evelyn Ellsworth
“Swan Song” by Ellie Serena
“No One’s Home” by Philip Potak
“Onteora” by Philip Potak
“A Letter From Mary” by Amie Brockway with The Delaware County Historical Assoc. Archives
“Homeless Woman with Van” by Ellie Serena
“Plane Crash” by Ellie Serena
“That’s Why They Call Us Colored, Bless Their Hearts” by J. e Franklin
“Shacking Up Gray” by J. Franklin
“Mrs. Jones and the Man From Dixieland” by Steven Sater
“Benediction” by Steven Sater
“Hymns of Zacharias” by Steven Sater
“Thunder Mountain” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Rip’s Journey on the D&U Railride” by Philip Potak
“Noah’s Wife” by Sybil Rosen
“Relative Strangers” by Sheri Wilner
“Hedges” by Philip Potak
“Duet for Bear and Dog” by Sybil Rosen
“Pipe Dreams” by Evelyn Ellsworth
“Swan Song” by Ellie Serena
“Sundiata” by Edward Mast
“Hoax!” by Pamela Monk
“The Cretaceous Cabaret Presents Hieronymous Bones in the Case of the Vanishing Dinosaurs” by Dennis Livingston
“The Weaver and the Sea” by Julia Steiny
“Frost in the Valley” poems by Robert Frost
“Home Safe” by Ellen Cooper
“Freddy, the King of Detectives” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
“The Reluctant Dragon” by Mary Hall Surface
“You Alice and Me” by Amie Brockway/Lewis Carrol
“Wiley and the Hairy Man” by Suzan Zeder
“Anne of Green Gables” by R. N. Sanberg/L. M. Montgomery
“Gary Grinkle’s Battles with Wrinkles and Other Troubles in Mudgeville” by Stefan Lanfer
“A Woman Called Truth” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song” by various Catskill Mountain writers
“Once, in the Time of Trolls” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“The Wide Awake Princess” by David Paterson/Katherine Paterson
“John Chapman and The Devil” by Mary Barile
“Shame the Devil!” by Anne Ludlum
“Our Town” by Thornton Wilder
“The Tomato Plant Girl” by Wesley Middleton
“A Cricket on the Hearth” by Amie Brockway/Charles Dickens
“The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Ric Averil/Hans Christian Andersen
“Pixies, Kings and Magical Things” by Ric Averil/Hans Christian Andersen
“Speckled Birds” by Shirley Lauro
“Ragamuffin” by Amie Brockway
“Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare
“Crow and Weasel” by Jim Leonard
“Play Ball: Stories from the All American
Girls Professional Baseball League” by Lesley Sawhill-Aja
“This Property is Condemned” by Tennessee Williams
“The Actor’s Nightmare” by Christopher Durang
“Tartuffe” by Moliere
“Today I Am” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Looking for Louie” by Stacie Chaiken
“The Hobbit” by Edward Mast/J. R. R. Tolkien
“Can’t Believe It” by R. N. Sandberg
“Family Matters” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“The Secret School” by Dr. John Newman
“Pinocchio” by William Glennon/Carlo Collodi
“The Frog Prince” by David Mamet
“Duck Variations” by David Mamet
“Patio” by Jack Heifner
“Porch” by Jack Heifner
“Hello Out There” by William Saroyan
“The Sapphire Comb” by Moses Goldberg
“The Conference of the Birds” by Jean-Claude Carriere/Peter Brook /Forid Uddi Attar
“A Christmas Carol” by John Jakes/Charles Dickens
“The Secret Garden” by Pamela Sterling/Frances Hodgson Burnett
“As You Like It” by William Shakespeare
“Summertree” by Ron Cowen
“Seven Years of Bad Luck” by Wilma Mazo
“Slip Covers” by Vesti Snyder
“Dorian Gray” adapted from the novel by Oscar Wilde
“The End of Oz” by Dr. John Dilworth Newman/Frank Baum
“Keeping Mr. Lincoln” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Steel Magnolias” by Robert Harling
“Shirley Valentine” by Willy Russell
“A Year Down Yonder” by Dr. John Dilworth Newman
“The Princess and the Goblin” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“The Tempest” by William Shakespeare
“A Christmas Party” by various writers
“Pepacton” by Amie Brockway/Patricia McKillip
“Ancestral Voices” by A.R. Gurney
“Summer Shortcuts” by various writers
“Walking Toward America” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Summer Shortcuts II” by various writers
“Holiday Musings” by various writers
“February Fantasia” by various writers
“Irving Berlin’s America” by Chip Deffaa
“Too Many Frogs” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Summer Shortcuts III” by various writers
“Flowers In The Desert” by Donna Hoke
“One Night With Fanny Brice” by Chip Deffaa
“Summer ShortcutsI IV” by various writers
“Death Valley…A Love Story” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“Dulce Domum with The Reluctant Dragon” by Amie Brockway
“Anne of Green Gables” adapted by R.N. Sandberg
“Summer Shortcuts V” by various writers
“Summer Shortcuts VI” by various writers
“The Man Behind The Curtain” by J.D. Newman
“Sandy and the Weird Sisters” by J.D. Newman
“A Christmas Carol” adapted by Tania Myren
“Seneca Falls” book and lyrics by Karen Howes, music by Elliot Sokolov
“Summer Shortcuts VII” by various writers
“Celebrating Our Heritage: Happy 100th Birthday, Jean Erdman!”
“The Road To Riverbank” a radio play by Amie Brockway
“Midsummer Madness” by Tania Myren
“Summer Shortcuts VIII” by various writers
“The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” adapted by Dwayne Hartford from the book by Kate DiCamillo
“Amber Waves” by James Still
“Summer Shortcuts IX” by various writers
“The Belle of Amherst” adapted and performed by Sybil Rosen
“Louisa May Alcott: The Power of a Woman” by Pamela Sterling
“Summer Shortcuts X” by various writers
“Monologue Free-for-All” by various writers
“Clara and the Mermaids” by J.D. Newman
“Summer Shortcuts XI” by various writers
“Our Town” by Thornton Wilder
“Fidelio” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence” Eight Winning Plays By Emerging Teen Writers About Ending Gun Violence
“The First Ladies Coalition” by Ginger Grace
“Summer Shortcuts XII” by various writers
“Sylvia” by A. R. Gurney
“Thunder Mountain” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“ANTIGONE” by Sophokles
“Dan Who???” A Celebration of, and Tribute to, Dan Berkowitz and his Plays
“The Hundred Acre Wood” From the stories of Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne
“Summer Shortcuts XIII” by various writers
“ENOUGH! Plays to End Gun Violence” Six Plays By Emerging Teen Writers About Ending Gun Violence
“Once, in the Time of Trolls” by Sandra Fenichel Asher
“The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds” by Paul Zindel
“The Hundred Acre Wood - 2024” adapted by Amie Brockway from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories by AA Milne
“Summer Shortcuts XIV” by various writers
“Legends and Tales” by various writers
“It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” adapted by Joe Landry
“Gabriel Grubb and the Goblins” adapted by James Yeara